State Rep. Senfronia Thompson

Current Rating


Texas House 141 - Houston
First elected 1973

Previous Ratings on the YCT Legislature Ratings

  • Career: 17
  • 2021: 19
  • 2019: 32
  • 2017: 15
  • 2015: 22
  • 2013: 15
  • 2011: 13
  • 2009: 13
  • 2007: 8
  • 2005: 30
  • 2003: 20
  • 2001: 0
  • 1999: 18
  • 1997: 14

About State Rep. Senfronia Thompson

Representative Thompson is a native of Houston, Texas and an Attorney. She has a BS Degree in Biology, a Master´s Degree in Education, a Law Degree, and a Masters of Law in International Law. She has two adult children and one grandson. Representative Thompson has served in the Texas House of Representatives since 1973.


CAP 3S.6
P.O. Box 2910
Austin, TX 78768
p: (512) 463-0720
350 N. Sam Houston Pkwy., Suite B202
Houston, Texas 77060
p: (713) 633-3390

Texas House District 141

State Rep. Senfronia Thompson's Record

  • Favor
  • Oppose
  • Absent
  • Speaker
  • Chair
  • Absent, Excused
  • Present, not voting
  • Not Applicable
    Senfronia Thompson has no votes on record for the selected session.